The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Text File
1,740 lines
(C) Copyright Ravitz Software Inc. 1990
Ravitz Software Inc.
P. O. Box 25068
Lexington, KY 40524-5068
INTRODUCTION ..................................................... 2
INSTALLATION ..................................................... 5
SYNTAX ........................................................... 7
/C - PEN COLOR OPTION ............................................ 8
/F - OUTPUT FORMAT OPTION ....................................... 10
/L - PAGE LAYOUT OPTION ......................................... 12
/N - PAGE NUMBER OPTION ......................................... 13
/P - PLOTFILE OPTION ............................................ 14
/T - TEMPORARY FILE OPTION ...................................... 14
/X - SUPPRESS MESSAGES .......................................... 15
/Z - CHORD ANGLE OPTION ......................................... 15
SERIAL PRINTER INTERFACE ........................................ 16
EPSON AND NEC 24 PIN PRINTERS ................................... 17
HP PAINTJET ..................................................... 18
IBM PROPRINTER .................................................. 19
IBM PROPRINTER X24 .............................................. 19
CGA DISPLAY ..................................................... 20
HERCULES DISPLAY ................................................ 20
VGA DISPLAY ..................................................... 20
GEM .IMG BIT MAPS ............................................... 21
PMI SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS .......................................... 22
PMI PLOT OPTIONS ................................................ 23
PMI PAGE LAYOUT OPTIONS ......................................... 23
HP-GL ........................................................... 25
SUPPORT BY MAIL ................................................. 38
PrintGL prints an HP-GL (Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language - HP 7475
subset) plotfile on a matrix printer. HP-GL is widely supported by
graphics programs including AutoCAD, Generic CADD, MathCAD, SAS,
Schema, and many more. PrintGL has native mode drivers for Epson,
IBM, and NEC compatible 9 and 24 pin dot matrix printers, HP
Laserjet, Deskjet, and PaintJet, and IBM Quietwriter 2 and 3, and
LaserPrinter. It will also display plots with a CGA, EGA, VGA,
enhanced VGA, or HGC and output a bit map or GEM .IMG file.
Even if your graphics program supports your printer, you may find
that PrintGL gives better print quality. PrintGL uses the best
graphics modes available for each printer that it supports. If you
need printed graphics output from personal software, you can output
HP-GL and use PrintGL to do the printing. This gives immediate
support to a wide range of printers.
PrintGL interprets all of the HP 7475 command set that is applicable
to plotfiles except for character set 8 (Katakana). None of the
digitize, output, or device control commands (except plotter on and
off) are supported as these are only used with direct control of a
plotter. And the error mask command is not supported. In addition to
the HP 7475 commands, PrintGL handles paper feed commands so that
you can put multiple plots in one plotfile.
PrintGL Menu Interface (PMI) is a menu driven program that lets you
choose any PrintGL options, select a list of plotfiles, and run
PrintGL. This simplifies the selection of PrintGL's many options and
lets you run multiple plotfiles without intervention. PMI lets you
save three configurations, so after initial setup you can run
PrintGL with minimal effort.
PrintGL is distributed as shareware. You may use PrintGL without
charge on a trial basis to determine its suitability for you. If you
continue to use it after your evaluation, a $25 registration is
requested. There is no cost to upgrade from any 1.** version to any
other 1.** version.
PrintGL and PrintGL Menu Interface are provided as is. There are no
warranties expressed or implied.
You may distribute PrintGL if you keep the entire package together,
unchanged, including this license explanation, and do not charge
more than $10.
To register your copy of PrintGL, send your name, address, and $25
check, and specify PrintGL 1.12, to:
Ravitz Software Inc.
P. O. Box 25068
Lexington, KY 40524-5068
You will not receive a new copy of PrintGL. The bulletin board
distribution package is the complete, full function program. A
receipt will be sent, usually by postcard. Include an additional $10
to get the current version of PrintGL (or you may specify the next
significant release) on diskette (3 1/2" unless you specify 5 1/4").
If you are interested in using PrintGL as a printer driver in a
commercial program, send a note. Special license agreements and
special versions are available for this purpose.
This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a
shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the
member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help
you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not
provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the
ASP Ombudsman at P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006 or send a
Compuserve message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536
For version 1.12:
fixes GEM .IMG output
For version 1.11:
three configurations are contained within PMI
HP 7475 support
HP-GL reference section in PRINTGL.DOC
GEM .IMG output format
colors may be mixed with any PrintGL shading pattern
alternate LaserJet driver is faster and uses less printer memory
For version 1.08, 1.09, 1.10:
minor updates, test versions
For version 1.07:
plotfile masks are supported
improved messages
slightly revised font (*,f,t,j,0)
unsupported HP-GL commands are noted (and then ignored, as before)
/X[S[F]][U] option suppresses messages
PrintGL Menu Interface is included with the PrintGL package
For version 1.05:
DOS environment variable PRINTGL can be used to set defaults
slightly revised command line parser
PrintGL Menu Interface is available to registered PrintGL users
For version 1.04:
/F9* supports NEC 24 pin printers in 360x360 dpi mode
For version 1.02:
/FVP, /FVT replaced by /FV*88, /FV*91
any 720x540 VGA is supported with /FV+modenum
any 800x600 VGA is supported with /FV*modenum
slightly changed line type patterns for improved speed
The latest version of PrintGL is available from the support bulletin
board at 606-268-0577 (1200/2400,N,8,1 24 hours/day, XMODEM or
YMODEM (1K XMODEM) download), packed in .ZIP format.
The PrintGL package includes of these files:
PRINTGL.DOC documentation
CHARSET.PLT HP-GL character set plotfile
PMI.EXE menu interface program
SAMPLE.PLT sample plotfile
To install PrintGL copy the distribution files to your working disk
or directory.
PRINTGL.EXE is a stand alone executable file. There are no extra
printer driver files or overlays.
PRINTGL.DOC is this manual. You can print it with "COPY PRINTGL.DOC
PRN" (39 pages). The HP-GL character set should be printed with the
command PRINTGL CHARSET.PLT /M1 /AO0,0 (and a /F option specific to
your printer) and inserted in the manual.
PMI.EXE is the executable file for PrintGL Menu Interface. PMI needs
to be able to find itself (PMI.EXE) and PRINTGL.EXE, so both of
these files should be in a directory that is in your DOS PATH.
SAMPLE.PLT is a sample plotfile to help you try out PrintGL.
PrintGL reads a plotfile, does arc, character, fill, etc. to line
conversion, stores the data in a coordinate list, and if needed,
puts the list on disk. It then reorients the data and determines the
plot size. Next the data is resized and relocated. Finally the
coordinate list is rasterized and printed in swaths. You are likely
to see the printer print a swath and stop while PrintGL is
processing the next swath.
When you display a plot, press Esc to return to the DOS text screen.
Ctrl-Break stops PrintGL at the next break point. Ctrl-Break is
ignored when PrintGL is waiting for user input.
If your plotfile contains any IW (input window) commands and there
is data outside the clipping window, then if PrintGL's automatic
sizing or centering is in effect (/A and /MF options), PrintGL sizes
and centers assuming that you want to see the entire window, whether
is contains data or not.
PrintGL works within a printer's current margins and starts at the
current vertical print position. If you decline the form feed
suboption of the /L option then PrintGL leaves the printer at the
start of the line directly below the plot. All printing is done in
printer lines that cover the full height of the printhead.
Internally PrintGL uses two byte coordinates on a 1016 dots per inch
grid. This allows for plots with coordinates of over 30 inches - far
larger than an HP 7475 can handle. However if you are using PrintGL
to emulate a large plotter, you may overflow the internal coordinate
system. This condition is not checked, and it will cause garbage
output. You can change the internal resolution to 508 dots per inch
(giving 60 inch maximum plot sizes) by editing PRINTGL.EXE with a
binary editor - search for the string "indpi" and change the next
two bytes from hex F803 to hex FC01.
The calling syntax of PrintGL is:
PRINTGL plotfile /option1 /option2 ...
Spaces between parameters are not required. The plotfile may be
specified with the /P option if it is inconvenient to make it the
first parameter.
If a given option is entered more than once, only the last entry is
used. And if an option is invalid (but not incorrect), it is
ignored. This lets you set up a batch file with your preferred
options but override them as desired. For example, create PHP.BAT
with the line:
PRINTGL /FL /M1 /P %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
Then PHP can be called just like PRINTGL but it defaults to HP
LaserJet format with magnification 1.
The DOS environment variable PRINTGL is examined by PrintGL and if
it is nonblank then it is put in front of the command line
parameters. If you put "SET PRINTGL=/FL/M1" in your AUTOEXEC.BAT
then PrintGL will default to Laserjet format with magnification 1.
If you do not enter any parameters or if any parameter is incorrect,
PrintGL displays its option reminder screen.
Below [ and ] enclose optional suboptions and │ separates mutually
exclusive suboptions. The options and suboptions may be in any order
except that multiple numeric suboptions are ordered. "c" refers to a
suboption character, "x" and "y" to suboption floating point
numbers, "i" and "j" to suboption integers, "b" to a suboption byte,
and "f" to a DOS file or device name.
For floating point numbers a decimal point is allowed but not
required, and scientific notation is not allowed. "-" is allowed but
not "+". For integer input, only base ten integers from 0 to 32767
are allowed. A byte must be a base ten integer from 0 to 255 or a
hexidecimal number prefixed with $ from $00 to $FF. Further range
checking is done for most options to flag unreasonable input. If an
option has multiple numeric suboptions, these may be separated with
commas or blanks.
It is very important to choose the right output format (/F option).
It is likely that the default output format will work on your
printer, but it is equally likely that it will not produce optimal
results. Please look carefully at the entire list of output formats
before choosing one, and do not assume that because a format works
that it is the best one to use.
/A[O][x,y] - location - default /A
The A option determines the location of the plot in the printer
window, by specifying a point on the plot that is to be aligned with
a point in the printer window. The point on the plot is normally its
center, but you can specify a point with x,y in inches from the
plot's origin. The point in the printer window is normally the
center, but O says to make it the origin. The default /A puts the
center of the plot at the center of the printer window.
When PrintGL is finding the center of a plot, the entire rectangle
defined by any IW command is included in the overall size of the
/A puts the center of the plot at the center of the print
/AO0,0 puts the plot 0,0 at the print origin
/Cc.. - color - default /CL
The C option specifies the color of each of the eight pens. The
colors are B for blue, C for cyan, G for green, L for black, M for
magenta, R for red, and Y for yellow. Unspecified pens use the last
specified color (/CRGB is the same as /CRGBBBBBB). If the output
format does not allow color then this option is ignored.
Additional colors can be created with shade mixing. These colors use
the pen's specified shading pattern (/S option) to mix the seven
pure colors. If the shade value is 0 (solid) it is replaced by 2
(one pel checkerboard) which produces the most uniform mixed colors.
The colors may not look good with multipass dot matrix formats, and
they need line widths of at least 2 (4 for 2 pel shading patterns).
Mixed colors may have visual artifacts on edges near 45 degrees
angle. The colors are:
.bc blue cyan .lb black blue .wb white blue
.bm blue magenta .lc black cyan .wc white cyan
.gc green cyan .lg black green .wg white green
.gy green yellow .lm black magenta .wm white magenta
.rm red magenta .lr black red .wr white red
.ry red yellow .ly black yellow .wy white yellow
.wl white black
The following output formats handle colors: /F9 (NEC 24 pin), /FN
(Epson 9 pin), /FP (HP PaintJet), /FT (Epson 24 pin), /FB (bit map),
/FG (GEM .IMG), /FE (EGA), and /FV (VGA). Shading may be used to
emulate color on black only printers (see /S option).
/CL sets pen 1..8 to black
/CLRG.BM.LY sets pen 1 to black
pen 2 to red
pen 3 to green
pen 4 to blue/magenta checkerboard
pen 5..8 to black/yellow checkerboard
/Df - destination - default /D1
The D option specifies the output printer port, device, or file. 1,
2, or 3 causes PrintGL to use the BIOS printer routines, bypassing
DOS. This is normally faster than specifying the DOS device (LPT1,
LPT2, LPT3), but it may cause problems with print spoolers or
multitasking systems. Use COM1, COM2, etc. for serial printers.
Display output can only go to the screen and causes this option to
be ignored.
/D2 sends output to the second parallel port via BIOS
/DLPT3 sends output to the DOS device LPT3
/Fc[+[b]│-│*[b]│=│i,j] - output format - default /FN
The F option specifies which output format to use. The format is
chosen with a device character and, optionally, a resolution
modifier (-, +, *) or alternate modifier (=), and in some cases a
display mode. *, +, and - are allowed even where they have no
affect. For bit maps you can choose a specific resolution in dots
per inch. Resolutions here are given in horizontal x vertical
To return to DOS from a displayed plot, press Esc.
/F1 IBM Proprinter ..................................... 120x72
/F1+ IBM Proprinter (2 pass) 120x144
/F2 IBM Quietwriter 2 .................................. 240x240
/F3 IBM Quietwriter 3 240x240
/F4- IBM LaserPrinter ................................... 150x150
/F4 IBM LaserPrinter 300x300
/F4= IBM LaserPrinter ................................... 300x300
/F5 IBM Proprinter X24 compatible printers 180x180
/F5+ IBM Proprinter X24 compatible printers (2 pass) .... 360x180
/F6 IBM Proprinter X24 180x182
/F6+ IBM Proprinter X24 (2 pass) ........................ 360x182
/F9 NEC 24 pin compatible printers 180x180
/F9+ NEC 24 pin compatible printers (2 pass) ............ 360x180
/F9* NEC 24 pin compatible printers (4 pass) 360x360
/FB bit map ............................................ 100x100
/FBi,j bit map ixj
/FC CGA display ......................................... 62x25
/FE 128K EGA color display 62x45
/FG GEM .IMG bit map ................................... 100x100
/FGi,j GEM .IMG bit map ixj
/FH Hercules graphics card display ...................... 70x45
/FL- HP LaserJet compatible printers 150x150
/FL HP LaserJet compatible printers .................... 300x300
/FL= HP LaserJet compatible page printers 300x300
/FM 128K EGA monochrome display ......................... 62x45
/FN Epson 9 pin compatible printers 120x72
/FN+ Epson 9 pin compatible printers (3 pass) ........... 120x216
/FN* Epson 9 pin compatible printers (6 pass) 240x216
/FP HP PaintJet ........................................ 180x180
/FT Epson 24 pin compatible printers 180x180
/FT+ Epson 24 pin compatible printers (2 pass) .......... 360x180
/FT* Epson 24 pin compatible printers (4 pass) 360x360
/FV VGA display ......................................... 62x62
/FV+ enhanced VGA display 720x540 mode - mode $63 70x70
/FV+b enhanced VGA display 720x540 mode - mode b .......... 70x70
/FV* enhanced VGA display 800x600 mode - mode $64 78x78
/FV*b enhanced VGA display 800x600 mode - mode b .......... 78x78
The display mode with /FV+ and /FV* may be specified in hex by
prefixing it with $, for example /FV*$64 is the same as /FV*100.
/IA│R│W[N] - IP point location - default /IA
The I option sets the initial scaling points (P1, P2 - the scaling
points may be set in the HP-GL file with the IP command). A
(absolute) sets the points to the default for the paper size (see
below). R fits P1 and P2 to the plot window with at least .25 inch
margins and an x/y ratio of 10/7.2 (the same ratio as the HP 7475
with small paper). W fits P1 and P2 to the plot window with a .25
inch margin. N makes the margin 0 for R or W and is ignored with A.
The default scaling points depend on the paper size (/L option) and
the plot orientation (/O option).
paper options default scaling pts with RO90 command
A /O1 /L 7.84,10.20 250,596 10250, 7796 154,244 7354,10244
A4 /O1 /L 7.60,10.87 603,521 10603, 7721 0,610 7200,10610
B /O1 /L10.20,16.38 522,259 15722,10259 283,934 10283,16134
A3 /O1 /L10.87,15.90 170,602 15370,10602 607,797 10607,15997
A /O2 /L10.20, 7.84 250,596 10250, 7796 154,244 7354,10244
A4 /O2 /L10.87, 7.60 603,521 10603, 7721 0,610 7200,10610
B /O2 /L16.38,10.20 522,259 15722,10259 283,934 10283,16134
A3 /O2 /L15.90,10.87 170,602 15370,10602 607,797 10607,15997
anything else 250,279 10250,7479 279,250 7479,10250
/O3 and /O4 gives the same default scaling points as /O1 and /O2.
The default paper size is 7.53 by 10.14, the HP 7470 standard paper
size. This causes "anything else" values. This is because a number
of printers can't handle the slightly larger HP 7475 A size plots.
You must use the /L option to get HP 7475 standard paper sizes.
/IA uses the default scaling points
/IWN sets the scaling points to fit the print window
/L[B][F][R][x,y[,x,y]] - page layout - default depends on printer
The L option defines the page layout.
B boxes the plot at the hard clip limits using pen 8. This generally
increases the amount of data sent to a printer, but not bit maps or
F causes a form feed after the plot. This is ignored for bit maps
and display output.
R causes reverse image (black on white) on one color display plots
and bit maps and is otherwise ignored.
The first optional x and y are the plot width and height in inches
rounded to .01. These define the hard clip limits. These values are
not checked against your printer's capabilities. If you specify a
page layout larger than the output device can handle, the results
are unknown. You may need to reset your printer's margins, maximum
line length, or page length to get large plots. The size needed for
a given width and height exceeds x and y by 8 pels to allow for line
The second optional x and y are the left and top margins, measured
from the printer's left margin and current vertical position to the
hard clip limits. The left margin is rounded to .01 inch. The top
margin is rounded to a 1/6 inch and line feeds (assumed to be 1/6
inch) are used to position the paper. The margins are subject to
printer resolution and efficiency considerations, and may not be
exact. Margins are ignored for display output and bit maps.
Each printer has a default page layout. The default width and height
are 7.53x10.14 for printers and bit maps and 10.14x7.53 for
displays. These correspond to HP 7470 A size paper, which is
slightly smaller than HP 7475 A size paper. This is the default
because some printers can't handle the extra .06 inch length of the
HP 7475 A size. The margins are printer specific to compensate for
different default margins. In evaluating user options, PrintGL
processes each option and when finished reprocesses the default page
layout for the last chosen printer and then reprocesses the last
user /L option. This procedure gives good default values so that
your /L option can change the letter or size suboptions and still
have good margins.
/LB7.5,3,.5,0 makes the print window 7.5 inches wide and 3 inches
high, with a .5 inch left margin and no top margin,
boxes the window, and does not do a form feed
/LF7.53,10.14 sets HP 7470 A size paper
/LF7.53,10.73 sets HP 7470 A4 size paper
/LF7.84,10.20 sets HP 7475 A size paper
/LF7.60,10.87 sets HP 7475 A4 size paper
/LF10.20,16.38 sets HP 7475 B size paper
/LF10.87,15.90 sets HP 7475 A3 size paper
/M[F]x - magnification - default /MF.9
The M option specifies the magnification. F fits the plot to the
printer window size. The default is /MF.9 which makes the plot 90%
of the largest size that will fit in the printer window. /M1 gives
the same size plot as an HP 7475 plotter.
/MF.9 fits the plot to the print window and shrinks it 10%
/M1 plots at the same size as an HP 7475
/M.5 plots at half the size of an HP 7475
/N[i] - page number - default /N
Ni says to print only page i of the plotfile. If you do not specify
i then all pages in the plot will be printed (this is the default).
/N prints all pages in the plot file
/N3 prints only page 3
/O1│2│3│4[L] - origin, orientation - default /O1 or /O2
The O options sets the printer's origin and orientation. The origin
is one of four corners numbered 1..4 for upper left, lower left,
lower right, and upper right. The L suboption specifies a left
handed coordinate system (this should never be needed). 1 is the
default origin for printers and matches the plotter's coordinate
system. 2 is the default origin for displays which also matches the
plotter's coordinates due to the reversed width/height ratio.
Here are pictures of PrintGL's view of the output media compared to
an HP 7475's view, to help with choosing a /O option.
HP 7475 A HP 7475 B PrintGL
y┌────────┐ 0,0┌────────┐y ul ┌──────┐ur ul┌────────┐ur
│ │ │ │ │paper │ │screen │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
0,0└────────┘x │ │ │ │ ll└────────┘lr
│ │ │ │
│ │ ll └──────┘lr
│ │
/O1 puts the print window's origin in the upper left corner
/O2 puts the print window's origin in the lower left corner
/Pf - plotfile - no default
The plotfile may be specified as the first parameter without any
prefix, or it may be specified anywhere in the option list with the
/P prefix. The plotfile may be a standard DOS mask with "*" and "?"
characters. In this case each matching file is processed, but the
first failure or user break stops all processing.
/Sc.. - pen shading patterns - default /S0
This option assigns a shading pattern to each pen. Unspecified pens
use the last specified shade. The shade values are 0..8. 0 is the
default solid line. 1..4 are 1 dot patterns (75%, 50%, 25%, 12.5%)
and need line widths of at least three to give good looking lines.
5..8 are 2x2 dot patterns (75%, 50%, 25%, 12.5%) and need line
widths of at least five to give good looking lines. Some printers
may wash out shading because they have a dot size that is large
relative to the dot spacing. This is often the case with dot matrix
printers in multipass modes.
1 2 3 4
█▀█▀█▀█▀ ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
█▀█▀█▀█▀ ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
█▀█▀█▀█▀ ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
█▀█▀█▀█▀ ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
5 6 7 8
████████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
██ ██ ██ ██
████████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
██ ██ ██ ██
/S0236 sets pen 1 to solid
pen 2 to 1 pel checkerboard
pen 3 to 1 pel dots
pen 4..8 to 2 pel checkerboard
/Tf - temporary file - default /TPRINTGL.TMP
PrintGL uses a temporary file when it does not have enough memory to
handle a plotfile. It does not use extended or expanded memory so
you can best utilize this memory by putting the temporary file on a
RAM disk in the extra memory. If you have 640K of memory and average
size plotfiles then it is likely that PrintGL will never use a
temporary file.
/Wc.. - pen widths - default /WA
The W option assigns a line width to each pen (1..8). Each width may
be 1..8 pels or A..H for the default width of the output format plus
0..7 (maximum 8). Unassigned pens use the last assigned width.
The default line width is 1 for all output formats except 240 and
300 dpi printers which have a default line width of 2.
/WA sets pen 1..8 to the default width for the chosen printer
/WABC123 sets pen 1 to the default width for the chosen printer
pen 2 to the default width + 1 pel
pen 3 to the default width + 2 pel
pen 4 to 1 pel
pen 5 to 2 pels
pen 6..8 to 3 pels
/X[S[F]][U] - suppress messages - default /X
The X option lets you suppress some PrintGL messages. The S
suboption suppresses location and size messages. With S you can also
specify F, which suppresses file names and page numbers,
substituting "Plot 1", "Plot 2", etc. The U suboption suppresses
unsupported command messages.
/X gives all the normal messages
/XS gives only the most important messages
/YD│Y - Y/D switch setting - default /YD
The Y option sets the plotter's rear panel Y/D switch to D or Y. Y
starts with the plotter off and responds to esc.(, esc.Y, esc.), and
esc.Z commands. D starts with the plotter on and ignores these
/YD puts the YD switch in the usual D position
/Zi,j - default and minimum chord angle - default /Z15,5
The HP 7470 defaults to a chord angle of 5 and has no minimum.
Because PrintGL stores each chord in a circle in its internal
database, this can be very time consuming. And because of the low
resolution of printers it does not produce a corresponding
improvement in print quality. The Z option specifies the default and
minimum chord angles. The default is /Z15,5. For better emulation
use /Z5,2.
/Z5,2 sets the default chord angle to 5 degrees, and the minimum to
2 degrees
PrintGL displays a number of messages to keep you informed of what
it is doing. The output looks like this.
Plotfile has 1 page(s) Processing page 1 2283 data records
Overall magnification 0.9964
Print window Horizontal 0.00 7.53 Vertical 0.00 10.14
Plot area Horizontal 0.42 7.13 Vertical 0.61 9.54
Output format /FN 120x72 dots/inch (HxV)
Writing to device LPT3
The first line is the plotfile that is currently being processed.
The second line tells how many pages are in the plofile, which page
is being processed, and the number of data points in that page. The
number of data points is the number of pen moves in the page and is
shown to give you an indication of the plot's complexity.
The overall magnification is either the magnification that you
specified with the /M option or the effective magnification after
fitting to the page with /MF. The print window line gives the
horizontal and vertical coordinates of the print window, always
starting at 0,0 and in inches. The plot area gives the horizontal
and vertical coordinates of a box that just covers the plotted data.
This uses the same coordinate system as the print window, so you can
tell where the plot is relative to the print window.
The output format and resolution are given and then the output
device is noted (except for screen plots). If three plane color is
being used, the word "color" is displayed. If you have a black only
printer, but the output format allows color (this is common with 9
and 24 pin printers), using color will triple the PrintGL run time
with no improvement in print quality.
During processing, PrintGL informs you when it is processing and
writing data, and you can watch the progress from 0% to 100%, along
with the elapsed time.
If your printer is attached to a serial port, specify /DCOM1,
/DCOM2, etc. PrintGL cannot set up the port. This is usually done in
the AUTOEXEC.BAT with MODE (probably MODE COM1:9600,N,8,1,P).
At 9600 baud, the normal printer interface speed, a serial interface
is far slower than a parallel port. A full page of 180x180 dpi
graphics takes about 5 minutes. And if you are using color, which
requires sending three independant color planes, this jumps to 15
/FN covers a wide range of 9 pin dot matrix printers. You need a
cyan/magenta/yellow ribbon to get color prints. /FN+ uses 1/216
indexing and /FN* uses 1/216 indexing and 1/240 graphics.
The IBM 9 pin Proprinters do not do 1/216 indexing and do not
correctly handle 1/240 graphics. /FP is a special Proprinter driver.
The /FN drivers use the following printer escape codes:
esc J - index
esc L - graphics command for /FN and /FN+
esc Z - graphics command for /FN*
esc r - set ribbon color (only if color is specified)
/FT covers the entire line of Epson LQ printers and many compatible
printers (Panasonic, etc.). You need a cyan/magenta/yellow ribbon to
get color prints. /FT+ uses 1/360 graphics mode. /FT* uses 1/360
graphics mode and 1/360 indexing and resets the printer's line feed
distance to 1/6 inch on completion. A clean paper path with equal
tension on both sides is needed for good 360x360 graphics.
/F9 and /F9+ are identical to /FT and /FT+. /F9* is the NEC
equivalent to /FT*. The above notes apply to the /F9 drivers also.
These drivers will not work with IBM Proprinter X24s in alternate
graphics mode because they use the absolute tab command.
The /FT and /F9 drivers use the following printer escape codes:
esc $ - absolute tab
esc * ' - graphics command for /FT, /F9
esc * ( - graphics command for /FT+, /FT*, /F9+, /F9*
esc + - set n/360 indexing for /FT*
esc 2 - start esc A indexing for /FT*, /F9*
esc A - set n/72 indexing for /FT*, /F9*
esc J - index
esc r - set ribbon color (only if color is specified)
fs 3 - set n/360 indexing for /F9*
/FL works with any LaserJet or DeskJet. This driver assumes that
your printer is in portrait mode.
At 300 dpi (the default), if you have just 512K in a LaserJet then
your plot can cover about half the area of the page. 1.5M is
sufficient for a full page of graphics. At 150 dpi (/FL-) 512K
handles a full page. (All DeskJets can handle a full page of
graphics at 300 dpi.)
/FL- defaults to a page height of 10.11 inch instead of 10.14 inch,
so that plots fit on a page without changing margins.
/FL= is the same as /FL except that it reduces the amount of data
sent to the printer at the expense of processing time. This may run
faster than /FL and may allow larger plots on 512K printers. It only
works on page printers - not the DeskJet.
/FP should work with any 180 dpi HP-PCL printer, including the HP
Rugged Writer, but this has not been tested. If your PaintJet has a
serial interface, please see SERIAL PRINTER INTERFACE. A parallel
interface is available for the PaintJet.
/F6 drives the LaserPrinter in native mode. /FL will work if the
LaserPrinter is in HP LaserJet mode.
At 300 dpi (the default), if you have just 512K in your LaserPrinter
then your plot can cover about half of the page. 1.5M is sufficient
for a full page of graphics. At 150 dpi (/F6-) 512K handles a full
/F4= is the same as /F4 except that it reduces the amount of data
sent to the printer at the expense of processing time. This may run
faster than /F4 and may allow larger plots on 512K printers.
The /F1 driver is for all 9 pin Proprinters. The high resolution
driver (/F1+) uses 1/144 inch indexing and it does not work with
Epson 9 pin compatible printers that have 1/216 inch indexing.
There is no /F1* resolution, which would be 240x144, because
Proprinters do not handle 1/240 graphics correctly.
The /F5 driver covers all Proprinter X24s. These printers can use
the X24 compatible driver (/F4), but because they do 1/144 indexing,
the print will have horizontal white streaks every 2/3 inch. The /F5
drivers compensate for the indexing by defining the vertical
resolution as 182 dots per inch and indexing 19/144 inch per line.
To work properly the printer must be on a 1/144 boundary when the
graphics are printed. If you keep the line feed distance a multiple
of 1/144 (1/6, 1/8, 1/9) then this will always be the case.
Proprinter X24 and XL24 are very slow with graphics, making many
passes per line. This limitation cannot be overcome with software.
The X24E and XL24E are significantly faster, and are much preferred
to the original X24s.
The IBM Quickwriter is a Proprinter X24 compatible printer except
that it does 1/180 indexing. This is probably the case with most
Proprinter X24 compatible printers. /F4 is the correct driver to use
for such printers. /F5 (the Proprinter X24 driver) is not
Line widths should be at least two for these printers. The
Quietwriter drivers reset the line feed distance to 1/6 inch upon
The CGA driver (/FC) does not give color. The CGA card has no
graphics mode that supports the 7 colors used by PrintGL.
The EGA drivers (/FE, /FM) require a 128K or 256K EGA. If you have a
64K EGA, the CGA (/FC) driver will work.
/FM is for an EGA card with a digital monochrome monitor attached.
If your display adaptor supports Hercules modes, /FH will give
better resolution.
/FH supports the Hercules monochrome graphics card. There is no
support for the Hercules InColor card.
/FV will work with an MCGA if you do not use color.
The /FV+ output format requires a VGA card that supports 720x540
mode. /FV* requires a VGA card and multisync monitor that support
800x600 mode. PrintGL sets up the screen by setting BIOS display
modes $63 and $64 ($ means hex). Your VGA card must use these modes
to work with /FV+ and /FV*.
If your VGA card uses other mode numbers to select 720x540 or
800x600 mode, you can specify this number in the /F option. Here is
a list of /FV options for common VGA cards. You may need to run a
special driver that is supplied with the card to get these modes.
ATI /FV*$54
Genoa /FV*$29
Paradise /FV*$58
Renaissance /FV+$63 /FV*$64
Trident /FV*$5B
Video Seven /FV*$62
Color bit maps are two pels per byte. Each pel nibble = 1*blue +
2*green + 4*red + 8*intensity. The intensity is 0 for black and 1
otherwise. The background is 15 - white, which is not a user
selectable color.
/CL (default) bit maps are 8 pels/byte with 1 meaning black and 0
background. This may be reversed with the R suboption of the /L
The map size is the size specified by the L option plus 8 pels in
each direction to give room for line widths of up to 8 pels.
Here is the .IMG format used by PrintGL. It uses only a subset of
the available commands. The file starts with a header composed of 8
word values (high byte first):
1 1
2 8
3 number of color planes - 1 or 3
4 1
5 pel width in microns - round(25400 / horizontal dots/inch)
6 pel height in microns - round(25400 / vertical dots/inch)
7 scan line width in pels (always a multiple of 8)
8 number of scan lines
The rest of the file has the scan lines in order from top to bottom.
For color plots, each complete scan line consists of a red scan
line, a green scan line, and then a blue scan line. Each scan line
is composed of these data commands:
$01..$7F - from 1 to 127 * 8 pels off
$81..$8F - from 1 to 127 * 8 pels on
$80 n b1 b2 .. bn - n bytes of bit mapped data
Single plane files use 0 for the background. Three plane files use 1
for the background (red + green + blue = white).
The map size is the size specified by the L option plus 8 pels in
each direction to give room for line widths of up to 8 pels.
To run PrintGL Menu Interface, enter PMI at the DOS prompt, and
press Enter. There are no options. The PMI main menu is displayed at
the top of the screen, and the bottom of the screen is used
differently for each main menu option. The PMI main menu is divided
into six groups - the top row and five columns. Each group is
described below.
When the cursor is on a main menu item, the current value of the
corresponding option is diplayed. To modify that value, press Enter
(or the left mouse button). The options are modified with cursor
movement and sometimes entering numeric values. The Enter key
returns you to the main menu with the new option values. Esc (or the
right mouse button) returns you to the main menu with the option
values unchanged.
Whenever a cursor bar has a notch, then the value within the notch
may be edited.
The top row of main menu options is dedicated to PMI functions.
These include running PrintGL, switching to alternate settings,
exiting PMI, saving the current PMI settings, and setting PMI
R runs PrintGL from any main menu cursor location, but PrintGL
messages will not be saved unless the cursor is on "run PrintGL".
The "alt settings" item rotates between three PMI configurations.
The current configuration number is on line 2 column 1.
The "save settings" item saves the current PMI configurations. All
of the current PrintGL and PMI options for each configguration are
saved. The plotfile list is not saved. PMI saves its configuration
by writing to PMI.EXE. To find PMI.EXE it looks in the current
directory and then searches the DOS PATH, saving to the first
PMI.EXE that it finds.
The "menu options" item lets you configure PMI mouse sensitivity,
screen colors, and up to five initial plotfile masks. Screen colors
are specified with the standard IBM BIOS attributes.
For color displays, the left hex digit is the background color and
the right hex digit is the foreground color. Bright colors are not
available in the background.
0 black 4 red 8 gray (bright) C bright red
1 blue 5 magenta 9 bright blue D bright magenta
2 green 6 brown A bright green E yellow
3 cyan 7 white B bright cyan F bright white
For digital monochrome displays, these attributes are useful.
$01 underscored $09 bright underscored $70 reverse image
$07 normal $0F bright
Column one of the main menu lets you choose the plotfiles to plot
(the /P option in PrintGL), the plot page number (/N), the output
destination (/D), and the output format (/F).
You may enter up to 99 plotfiles in the "plotfile" main menu option.
To choose from a list of files, enter a mask name and press Enter
(the cursor must be on the mask). PMI will then display a list of
corresponding files. Select any number of the files by moving the
cursor to the desired file and pressing Space (or the middle mouse
button). If no files have been selected, then pressing Enter selects
the file under the cursor. The selected files are added to the file
list at or below the cursor. Files that would overflow the 99th
position on the plotfile list are dropped.
When you run PrintGL, PMI runs PrintGL for each file on the plotfile
list. Masks are ignored. For any plotfiles that PrintGL does not
successfully process, PMI inserts an arrow in front of the plotfile
name. You can view the results from the "plotfile" main menu item.
The arrow is not considered part of the file name by PMI, so you do
not need to remove it to retry PrintGL.
Printers in the output format list that support color have a color
option. This lets you specify a black/white printer even though you
may have set up colors with the "pen color" menu. Output formats
that do not support color do not have this option and always ignore
the selected colors.
The second column of main menu options define how the plot will
appear on the page. The options include magnification (/M),
orientation (/O), and position (/A).
The third column of main menu options covers the pen
characteristics: color (/C), shade (/S), and width (/W). Each of
these menus use the up and down cursor keys to select a pen, and the
left and right cursor keys to choose an attribute.
For color selection, the one character colors (l,b,c,g,m,r,y)
represent pure colors, and the two character colors are checkerboard
mixes. The checkerboard mixed colors disable any shading option for
that pen.
The fourth column of main menu options covers the page layout (/L).
These are box, form feed, reverse image, print window, and left and
top margins.
Options that are generally set once and then never touched are in
column 5. These include the temporary file name (/T), default and
minimum chord angle (/Z), plotter scaling points (/I), and plotter
D/Y switch setting (/Y).
PrintGL's HP-GL specification is taken from the HP 7475A Interfacing
and Progamming Manual, HP part number 07475-90001. PrintGL supports
this HP-GL subset except for character set 8 (Katakana), digitize
commands, output commands, the error mask command, and some device
control commands. Supported commands are listed below. Commands that
are not applicable to printing, such as pen velocity, are considered
supported but are completely ignored. Commands that are not
supported are flagged and then ignored.
Some extensions are supported. Form feed commands are allowed and 15
pens are allowed instead of 6. To take advantage of the this, it may
be useful to use a 7550 driver to create your plotfile. And fill
angles (FT command) are not restricted to multiples of 45.
In reading a plotfile, PrintGL ignores carriage returns, line feeds,
and nulls except where they may be valid characters (LB, SM, DT,
esc.), and ASCII EOF (dec 26) is interpreted as an end of file mark.
AA x_center , y_center , arc_angle [, chord_angle]
arc absolute
AA draws an arc starting at the current pen position with the pen
in the current up/down state.
advance full page (extension)
AF starts a new plot.
automatic pen pickup - IGNORED
AR x_center_delta , y_center_delta , arc_angle [, chord_angle]
arc relative
AA draws an arc starting at the current pen position with the pen
in the current up/down state.
CA character_set
designate alternate character set
See HP-GL CHARACTER SETS for a list of character sets.
CI radius [, chord_angle]
CI draws a circle centered at the current position. The current
up/down state and position are unchanged by a CI command.
CP [spaces , lines]
character plot
CP moves the pen by character spaces (+ is along the text) and
lines (+ is up), using the current up/down state. Using no
parameters is the same as including a carriage return/line feed in
an LB command.
CS character_set
designate standard character set
See HP-GL CHARACTER SETS for a list of character sets.
default values
This sets default values for the following commands: CA, CS, DR,
DI [run , rise]
absolute character direction
DI sets the baseline direction for labels. Using no parameters is
the same as DI1,0.
DR [run , rise]
relative character direction
DI sets the baseline direction for labels. Run and rise are a
percentage of P2X-P1X and P2Y-P1Y. Using no parameters is the same
as DR1,0.
define label terminator
The label terminator denotes the end of each LB command. The
default is ASCII 003.
EA x_opposite_corner , y_opposite_corner
edge rectangle absolute
EA draws a rectangle with corners defined by the current position
and the command parameters. The current pen position and up/down
state are unchanged.
enable cutter - IGNORED
ER x_opposite_corner_delta , y_opposite_corner_delta
edge rectangle relative
ER draws a rectangle with corners defined by the current position
and the command parameters. The current pen position and up/down
state are unchanged.
EW radius , start_angle , sweep_angle [, chord_angle]
edge wedge
EW draws a wedge centered at the current position. The current pen
position and up/down state are unchanged.
FT [type [, spacing [, angle]]]
fill type
These are the fill types. Type 2 is identical to type 1 for
1 solid lines spaced at the pen thickness (see PT command)
2 unidirectional solid lines spaced at the pen thickness
3 lines at the specified spacing
4 cross hatched lines at the specified spacing
5 type ignored
A spacing parameter of 0 sets the spacing to 1% of the P1-P2
diagonal. Spacing is in x axis units (this is only relevant if the
axes have differnet scaling). PrintGL supports any integer angle
for fill (the HP 7475 requires multiples of 45 degrees). Cross
hatched lines are at angle + 90.
IP [p1x , p1y [, p2x , p2y]]
sets scaling points P1 and P2
IP sets the scaling points (P1 and P2) in plotter units. P1 and P2
are used by a number of commands to help with size independant
IW [x_lower_left , y_lower_left , x_upper_right , y_upper_right]
input window
IW sets a clipping window in plotter units. With no parameters,
the clipping window is turned off. When a clipping window is in
effect and there is data outside the window, if PrintGL's
automatic sizing or centering is in effect, PrintGL sizes and
centers assuming that you want to see the entire window, whether
is contains data or not.
Labels use the current character set, based on CA, CS, SA, and SS
commands. See HP-GL CHARACTER SETS for font specifics.
LT [pattern_number [, pattern_length]
line type
PrintGL's line type patterns are close to, but not identical to
HP's. Line type patterns are dynamically limited to a minimum
length of 16 pels.
0 at endpoints only
1 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
2 ──── ──── ──── ──── ────
3 ────── ────── ────── ────── ──────
4 ───── ─ ───── ─ ───── ─ ───── ─ ───── ─
5 ──── ── ──── ── ──── ── ──── ── ──── ──
6 ─── ─ ─ ─── ─ ─ ─── ─ ─ ─── ─ ─ ─── ─ ─
no parameter ────────────────────────────────────────
Pattern length is a percentage of the P1-P2 diagonal with a
default of 4%.
Line type is a property of the line that is being drawn - it is
not a property of the pen that is being used to draw the line. You
cannot specify that a certain pen should use a specific line type.
(Color, shading, and width are pen properties and can be assigned
to pens.)
PA [x , y] [, x , y] ...
plot absolute
PA moves the pen in current up/down state.
PD [x , y] [, x , y] ...
pen down
PD sets the pen down and optionally moves it with the current
absolute/relative mode.
PG [i]
new page (extension)
PG starts a new plot. The parameter is ignored.
PR [x_delta , y_delta] [, x_delta , y_delta] ...
plot relative
PR moves the pen with the current up/down state.
paper size - IGNORED
PrintGL ignores this command. You must set the paper size with the
/L option.
PT [thickness]
pen thickness
The pen thickness is the line spacing used in solid fills. (It
does not cause a pen to be a certain width.)
PU [x,y] [,x,y] ...
pen up
PU raises the pen and optionally moves it with the current
absolute/relative mode.
RA x_opposite_corner , y_opposite_corner
shade rectangle absolute
RA fills a rectangle with corners defined by the current position
and the command parameters. The current pen position and up/down
state are unchanged. The rectangle edge is not drawn.
RO [angle]
rotated coordinate system
RO with 0 or no parameters sets up a normal coordinate system. RO
with 90, the only other allowed value, sets up a system that is
rotated 90 degrees. The method of rotation depends on the paper
size. The RO command does not change the scaling points, so an IP
command is useful after an RO.
The HP 7475 specifies two different meanings for RO90 depending on
the paper size (A/A4 or B/A3). PrintGL decides which type of
rotation to do based on the sum of the print window width and
height. If this sum is greater than 23.75 inches then large paper
rotation is used. Otherwise, small paper rotation is used.
Small paper rotation: Large paper rotation:
RO 0 RO 90 RO 0 RO 90
y┌────────┐ 0,0┌────────┐y 0,0┌────────┐y y┌────────┐
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
0,0└────────┘x x└────────┘ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
x└────────┘ 0,0└────────┘x
RR x_opposite_corner_delta , y_opposite_corner_delta
shade rectangle relative
RR fills a rectangle with corners defined by the current position
and the command parameters. The current pen position and up/down
state are unchanged. The rectangle edge is not drawn.
select alternate character set
SA specifies the alternate character set as current. The alternate
character set is chosen with CA.
SC [xmin , xmax , ymin , ymax]
SC sets user units for subsequent drawing. The units are defined
by user values for P1 (xmin,ymin) and P2 (xmax,ymax). Using no
parameters turns scaling off, and subsequent drawing is done in
plotter units (1/1016 inch).
SI [width , height]
character size absolute
SI sets the capital letter box width and height in centimeters.
Letter spacing is 1.5 * width and line spacing is 2 * height.
Using no parameters with B or A3 paper is the same as SI.285,.375
and any other paper is the same as SI.187,.269.
SL [tan_angle]
character slant
SL sets the character slant. The parameter is interpreted as the
tangent of the angle from vertical. Using no parameter sets the
slant to 0 degrees.
symbol mode
SM sets symbol mode, which centers the symbol mode character at
any plotted point. Any character from ASCII 033 to ASCII 126
except a ";" sets symbol mode. Any other character turns symbol
mode off.
SP pen_number
select pen
SP selects a pen. Using 0 or no parameter stores the pen without
selecting a new pen. This is usually done at the end of a plot.
PrintGL ignores any drawing with pen 0.
SR [width , height]
character size relative
SR sets the capital letter box width and height as a percentage of
P2X-P1X and P2Y-P1Y. Letter spacing is 1.5 * width and line
spacing is 2 * height. Using no parameters is the same as
select standard character set
SS specifies the standard character set as current. The standard
character set is chosen with CS.
TL [positive_length [, negative length]]
tick length
TL sets the tick lengths used by XT and YT. The parameters are
lengths above and below the current position as a percentage of
P2Y-P1Y for x-axis ticks and a percentage of P2X-P1X for y-axis
UC [[pen_control ,] x_delta , y_delta] ...
user character
UC specifies a user defined character. Pen control number are 99
for pen down, and -99 for pen up. Pen movements are relative, with
x_delta in units of 1/4 the character width and y_delta in units
of 1/8 the character height.
adaptive velocity - IGNORED
normal velocity - IGNORED
pen velocity - IGNORED
WG radius , start_angle , sweep_angle [, chord_angle]
shade wedge
WG fills a wedge centered at the current position. The current pen
position and up/down state are unchanged. The wedge edge is not
x-axis tick
XT draws a vertical line, with length specified by the TL command,
at the current position. The pen position and up/down state are
y-axis tick
YT draws a horizontal line, with length specified by the TL
command, at the current position. The pen position and up/down
state are unchanged.
plotter on
Esc.( and esc.Y turn the plotter on. This is only relevant with
the /YY option. It is not flagged as unsupported if /YD is set.
plotter off
Esc.) and esc.Z turn the plotter off. They are only effective with
the /YY option. The plotter on and off commands let you include
comments or data to pass through to another device in the
plotfile. These are flagged as unsupported commands if /YD is set,
as an indication that you should set /YY.
esc.@, esc.H, esc.I, esc.M, esc.N, esc.R
RS-232 device control commands - IGNORED with /YY
The HP 7475 includes the following character sets. PrintGL supports
all of these except Katakana.
1 9825 character set
2 French/German
3 Scandinavian
4 Spanish/Latin American
7 Roman Extensions
9 ISO International Reference Version
30 ISO Swedish
31 ISO Swedish For Names
32 ISO Norway Version 1
33 ISO German
34 ISO French
35 ISO United Kingdom
36 ISO Italian
37 ISO Spanish
38 ISO Portuguese
39 ISO Norway Version 2
The character sets specify a font for codes 33..127. Codes 000..032
and 128..255 are independant of the character set and are all no ops
except these.
003 default label terminator
008 backspace
009 half backspace
010 line feed
011 reverse line feed
013 carriage return
014 select alternate character set
015 select standard character set
032 space
The HP-GL characters cannot be printed with the standard ASCII
character set. The file CHARSET.PLT is an HP-GL file with three
pages that can be used to print these pages of PrintGL's manual. Use
the command PRINTGL CHARSET.PLT /M1 /AO0,0 with a /F option specific
to your printer to do this.
PrintGL will run on any IBM compatible MS-DOS computer. It will work
in a region as small as 92K but may need more memory for high
resolution or wide prints. 116K should suffice for the worst case
black/white prints - 13.2 inches wide, 360x360 dpi. Color output
requires an additional 32K or more for high resolution / wide
prints. 196K is needed for the worst case. A larger region may make
things go faster by allowing larger buffers and averting the use of
a spill file.
By default PrintGL uses the BIOS printer interrupt to send data to a
printer. If a file or device is specified for output then DOS 2.0
file handling is used instead. Messages are written to the screen
with standard DOS CON output. Graphics screen modes (except
Hercules) are set up with BIOS, and graphics screen updates are done
by writing directly to the display buffer.
PrintGL takes the BIOS break interrupt (hex 1B) and the DOS critical
error interrupt (hex 24) in addition to those taken by the Turbo
Pascal 5.5 startup code.
PMI will run on any IBM compatible MS-DOS computer. It will work in
a region as small as 152K. When running PrintGL, all but 40K is
given to PrintGL. More memory may allow PrintGL to run more quickly.
PMI runs PrintGL via a DOS shell. It searches the current directory
and then the DOS PATH, calling the first copy of PRINTGL.EXE that it
finds. PMI sets up a new environment with just a PRINTGL value to
set PrintGL parameters.
PMI can use any text or graphics display mode that allows at least
80 columns and 20 lines of text. In text modes, PMI writes directly
to the display buffer, and in graphics modes, BIOS is used to
display text. When under DESQview, PMI should be started in a text
mode, and it writes directly to the DV selected screen buffer.
The Microsoft mouse interface (interrupt hex 33) is used for mouse
handling. Function 0 for reset, 3 for button presses, and hex B for
motion are the only functions used.
PrintGL and PMI were written by Cary Ravitz and compiled with
Borland's Turbo Pascal 5.5 and Turbo Assembler 1.01.
The Ravitz Software support bulletin board is at:
606-268-0577 1200/2400,N,8,1 24 hours/day.
To ask a question (or make a comment or suggestion), first prepare a
file with the details of your question. Please be very specific, and
include any related information on your hardware, software, and
operating environment. Then call the bulletin board and choose the
upload question option. XMODEM file transfer protocol is required
for this. Your question will be assigned a number, (such as 1015) -
remember this number. An answer file (with the assigned number) will
be posted, usually within 24 hours.
To get an answer, call up the bulletin board, choose the download
option, then the answer option, and then enter the answer number.
XMODEM is also required for downloading answers.
All question and answer files are public.
The latest versions of PrintGL and Ravitz Editor are available from
the bulletin board. These are packed in .ZIP format and may be
downloaded with XMODEM or YMODEM (1K XMODEM).
Anyone may use the bulletin board, however priority may be given to
registered users of PrintGL and RE.
You may send questions by mail to:
Ravitz Software Inc.
P. O. Box 25068
Lexington, KY 40524-5068
It is best to send questions on diskette (360K, 1.2M, 720K, or
1.44M, 720K is best) in a standard ASCII file. The answer will be
put on your diskette and it will be mailed back to you. This will
make it easy to include example files or a new version of the
software with the answer.
Return postage is appreciated.